Consider the advantages of a small school with enormous opportunities. On Groton’s tight-knit campus—the Circle—you will know everyone, and you will be known. You will shape this community of peers and mentors, and you will be shaped by it. You will be inspired by lifelong friends who are just as curious and motivated as you are.
On Saturday night, the Forum hosted Cultural Day! Students set up tables representing their many different cultures and enjoyed food, music, and games from around the world. At the end of the night, everyone learned new moves from the Boston Bollywood dance group.
The Groton School Music Department welcomed colleagues from Phillips Andover to the Circle on January 12 for the first Interscholastic Chamber Music Festival. Each school brought three ensembles to the festival: a piano trio, string quartet, and flute, bassoon and piano quartet from Phillips Andover, and a string quartet, violin duo, and flute, clarinet and piano trio from Groton. Read more:
The Groton School community welcomed the 2024–25 Pyne Speaker, the Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, PhD, to the Circle for a series of robust discussions about religion, race, sexuality, and justice. Read more:
Legendary folk troubadour Tom Rush ’59 returned to the Circle on Tuesday, January 14, for a poignant, yet often lighthearted winter Circle Talk in the Campbell Performing Arts Center. Read more:
Saturday night was Casino Night! Organized by the Student Activities Committee, the fun event gave students the chance to play poker, blackjack, and roulette and win faculty-donated prizes including an ice cream outing, a burger cookout at Mr. Funnell's house, and more.